On May 20, 2020, the parish viewed the Screenagers movie, subtitled, "Growing up in the Digital Age." The movie portrays various family situations impacted by the use of mobile devices, social media, and video games, while consulting psychologists and neurologists to provide expert opinions on the internals.
From Screenagers producers
From the movie: Parent Guide and Discussion Questions from the St. Mary's panel.
Resources including parental control, mental health issues related to electronic devices, and family conversations tips
Tech Talk Tuesdays email newsletter & blog
Protect Young Eyes foundation Parent resources
Parents Who Fight [back] foundation resources for parental controls and monitoring
Bark app for monitoring and social media in particular (video about an experiment about online predators, parental guidance advised)
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children - Netsmartz resources
Contact the Screenagers Parish Panel
Use this form to send a message to the panelists from the discussion session following Screenagers. We will answer you by email.
Inter Mirifica (Vatican II Decree On The Media Of Social Communications)
The Church and the Internet (Document from the Pontifical Council for Social Communications of the Vatican)
Ethics in the Internet (Document from the Pontifical Council for Social Communications of the Vatican)