Jesus turned, and saw them following, and said to them, “What do you seek?” And they said to him, “Rabbi” (which means Teacher), “where are you staying?” He said to them, “Come and see.”
John 1:38-39a
Could God be calling you to the Priesthood?
Or to Religious Life as a Brother or Sister?
Or perhaps as a Permanent Deacon?
Deacons and Priests receive the sacrament of Holy Orders from a Bishop.
Religious Brothers and Sisters profess vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience to their religious superiors.
These callings from God are "vocations," a deepening of the Christian life we first began to live at our Baptism. They are particular ways of serving the Church in a permanent way.
Marriage is also a vocation - God calls you to give your life to your spouse in the presence of God and the Church so that you can get to heaven, along with your children.
If you think you might be called to one of these vocations, do not be afraid! Pray for the light of the Holy Spirit to clarify this calling and give you the courage to respond generously. You can contact any of the priests and brothers at our parish, or contact a vocations director/directress to get more information about their diocese or community and to discover your calling.
We know that vocations are very personal, and, while they are meant to benefit the whole church, the process of discernment unfolds slowly and in secret. As the Church, we want you to discover the will of God for your life without having to worry about what others may think or say. May God bless you on your journey to answer the universal call to holiness in your particular vocation!
If you believe that you are being called by God to serve as a priest in the Diocese of Springfield, please check out the Priestly Vocations Website of the Diocese of Springfield.
Or perhaps you feel a calling to serve the diocese in the Permanent Diaconate? Please click here to view their program for that vocation.
This is the group of priests and brothers who have served St. Mary's since 1987. The Oblates of the Virgin Mary (OMV) were founded in 1826 in Italy by Venerable Bruno Lanteri, to promote lives of holiness despite discouraging and uncertain times. The first Oblates used the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius to preach parish missions, corrected doctrinal errors, taught young priests, promoted missionary work, and recommended and supplied good reading materials to all they served.
Read more OMV History, or Meet our Seminarians studying and being formed as Oblates and as priests!
Fr. John was ordained on August 4, 2012. He is a die-hard Yankees fan even though he grew up in Michigan. He is the oldest of five children. Fr. John professed final vows with the Oblates of the Virgin Mary in 2012. St. Mary's Parish was his first assignment. Presently, he serves as Vocation Director for the St. Ignatius Province of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary (United States).
Read his Vocations Message.
This is a community of women religious (sisters) who serve primarily in hospitals and schools. We are proud to have them teaching in St. Mary's School! These Sisters of Saint Francis have been making Christ's merciful love visible throughout the world since 1869, and in Alton since 1923.
Read more about their order on their website here, and perhaps get in contact with their current vocation director, Sr. M. Karolyn, FSGM.
Institute on Religious Life
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on Vocations